Registration/Morning Reception


Chair’s Opening Remarks


EU Battery Recycling Market Outlook And Strategic Implications

Maximilian Wegner, Senior Project Manager, Roland Berger
The EU Battery Recycling Market is at a pivotal juncture, driven by rapid advancements in battery technology, increasing demand for (EVs), and stringent regulations. This session aims to delve into the current landscape, emerging trends, and future prospects of battery recycling. By exploring regulatory frameworks, market dynamics, and strategic opportunities, we will uncover how stakeholders can navigate the complexities of this evolving market and capitalize on the burgeoning growth potential. 
  • How will the market volume for battery recycling develop in Europe?
  • Are there enough feedstock materials to meet the EU targets for minimum recycling content by 2031/36?
  • What is the economic viability of recycling and how high are the future break-even acquisition costs for EOL batteries?
  • How is the battery recycling value chain currently structured? Are major changes to be expected?
  • What are the key success factors and strategic implications for stakeholders along the value chain?

Enhancing EV Battery Sustainability: Ford Otosan’s Collaboration With EU Circular Economy Projects

Cansın Bozbay, Product Sustainability Engineer, Ford Otosan
The presentation will focus on innovative recycling and reuse projects, highlighting Ford Otosan’s collaboration with European Union-funded initiatives aimed at reclaiming raw materials and enhancing sustainability throughout the battery life-cycle. 
Battery Circularity Initiatives:
  • Overview of ongoing European projects aimed at improving battery recycling and reuse
  • Insights into how these initiatives align with EU regulations and sustainability goals
BATRAW Project Highlights:
  • Development of semi-automated battery pack dismantling and efficient pre-treatment processes
  • Introduction to hydro-metallurgical recycling pilot systems designed to deliver battery-grade secondary materials
  • Creation of eco-design guidelines for battery pack repair and dismantling
  • Demonstration of a block-chain platform for raw material tracking and supply chain transparency
Internal Reuse Project:
  • Utilization of production scraps for energy storage
  • Project details on storing 142.2 kWh to charge multiple electric vehicles or hybrids

Direct Recycling: New Opportunities For A Sustainable Battery Value Chain

Dr. Andreas Bittner, Executive Director, CellCircle
CellCircle is pioneering a disruptive direct recycling process for lithium-ion batteries. This innovative approach recovers functional materials without destroying them, resulting in ready-to-use materials for battery cell production, whilst offering significant environmental and economic benefits. The presentation will highlight the advantages of direct recycling, emphasizing its role in enhancing the sustainability of the battery value chain, supported by recent projects and comprehensive life-cycle assessment.
While direct recycling of electric vehicle (EV) batteries offers significant environmental and economic benefits, it also faces several challenges. These challenges must be addressed to make direct recycling a viable and widely adopted method for managing end-of-life batteries.
  • Understand the technical complexities of material recovery and purity in direct recycling
  • Strategies for achieving high-efficiency separation of valuable materials from batteries without contamination
  • Explore solutions for handling diverse battery chemistries and designs
  • Learn about scaling and automating recycling processes for efficiency and safety
  • Learn about the direct recycling process for lithium-ion batteries, to avoid material destruction and facilitate the efficient regeneration and reuse of functional materials, leading to high-quality outputs
  • Discover how direct recycling can significantly reduce the carbon footprint, energy consumption, and chemical waste associated with traditional recycling methods, while also providing an economically viable solution for recycling less valuable battery chemistries – like lithium iron phosphate
  • Gain insights into the importance of comprehensive life-cycle assessments and disaggregated data in comparing the environmental impacts of different recycling processes
  • Understand the role of validated and specific data in driving cleaner, more sustainable recycling practices

Building Localized Circular Recycling Networks

Arturo Pérez de Lucia, Director General/General Manager, AEDIVE
The session will explore the intricacies of establishing localized recycling infrastructure; including logistical, technological, and regulatory considerations. Understand the importance of localized recycling for sustainability, identify strategies to overcome barriers in establishing circular recycling networks, and explore innovative approaches to maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of lithium-ion battery recycling at a local level. Gain insights to contribute to the development of sustainable and resilient recycling ecosystems for lithium-ion batteries.
  • Identify and implement strategies to overcome logistical, technological, and regulatory barriers in establishing circular recycling networks
  • Explore innovative approaches to maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of lithium-ion battery recycling at the local level
  • Gain insights to contribute to the development of sustainable and resilient recycling ecosystems for lithium-ion batteries

Innovations In Lithium-Ion Battery Recycling: Tech, Business Models, And Chemistries

Nils Steinbrecher, Managing Director, Strategic Business Development, TES Sustainable Battery Solutions GmbH
In this session, we will delve into the technological evolution of lithium-ion battery recycling, exploring how advancements are shaping the industry. We will examine emerging business models that are driving growth and innovation in battery recycling. Additionally, we will analyze the impact of changing battery chemistries on recycling processes, considering how these changes are influencing both the technical and economic aspects of the industry.
Hydro-metallurgical Processes
  • Transition to hydro-metallurgical techniques and their improved recovery rates
  • Environmental and economic benefits of hydro-metallurgical methods
From Waste Disposal to End-to-End Solutions
  • Historical perspective on battery recycling as a waste disposal issue
  • Development of comprehensive recycling solutions integrating collection, processing, and reuse
Impact of Changing Chemistries
  • Early recycling efforts focused on valuable and high-priced Nickel Manganese Cobalt (NMC) batteries
  • Adaptation of recycling technologies to handle diverse chemistries
  • Predictions on future battery chemistries and required advancements in recycling technology

Innovations And Challenges In Designing EV Battery Packs For Efficient Recycling

Melanie Reichinger, R&D Expert – Circular Economy & Materials, PEM RWTH Aachen University
This session will explore the impact of different design philosophies on the recycling process of lithium-ion (li-ion) battery packs used in electric vehicles (EVs). By examining the approaches of incumbent automakers and start-ups, the session will highlight the importance of design for disassembly and standardization. 
Understand the Traditional and Emerging Battery Pack Designs:
  • Examine how modular designs by incumbent automakers facilitate serviceability and partial replacements
  • Discuss the shift by some start-up automakers towards non-modular designs and the implications for recycling
Identify Challenges in Battery Pack Recycling:
  • Explore the difficulties recyclers face with varied battery pack designs, including manual disassembly
  • Assess the impact of adhesives and non-removable fasteners on the recycling process
Evaluate the Importance of Standardization and Design for Recycling:
  • Discuss the benefits of standardizing battery pack designs for easier disassembly and recycling
  • Highlight the advantages of using fasteners over welds for dismantling battery packs
Explore Technological Innovations in Disassembly:
  • Review current and emerging automated equipment and technologies for battery pack disassembly
  • Analyze the potential cost and efficiency benefits of automated disassembly processes
Consider the Future of EV Battery Pack Design and Recycling:
  • Debate the balance between automakers’ design needs and the recyclability of their battery packs
  • Predict future trends in battery pack design with a focus on sustainability and recycling

Discover How Virtual Twin Technology Can Help You Fast Track Smart And Profitable Battery Recycling For Low Carbon Future

“Virtual twin technology is the differentiator. The companies that can optimize their recycling lines for both NMC and LFP battery types will be more resilient in managing their factories and be better prepared for new formulations,” Rudy Pastuzak, Battery Industry Solutions Director, Dassault Systemes
Introduction to Virtual Twin Technology in Battery Recycling
  • Definition and significance of virtual twin technology in the context of battery recycling
  • Overview of a unified platform for managing the recycling life-cycle
Simulating Recycling Processes
  • Detailed simulations of recycling processes based on different battery types, technologies, designs, and chemistries
  • Tools and methods for effective recycling process simulation
  • Case studies on disassembly simulations tailored for recycling outcomes
Evaluating Recycling Line Configurability and Costs
  • Gaining visibility into the costs and configurability of different recycling lines
  • Strategies for optimizing recycling line setup and operation
Resource Allocation in Recycling Operations
  • Optimizing resource allocation considering workforce and equipment needs specific to recycling
  • Practical examples of resource optimization in battery recycling facilities
Achieving Cost and Environmental KPIs in Recycling
  • Identifying and achieving cost and environmental Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) through simulation
  • Best practices for balancing economic and environmental goals in recycling processes
Enhancing Virtual Models with Real-World Recycling Data
  • Incorporating battery performance and recycling analytics from the real world to improve virtual models
  • Continuous improvement of virtual models based on real-world feedback and data from recycling operations

Morning Networking Break



Breaking Barriers In EV Battery Recycling: Strategies For Success

Moderator: Ferdinand Ferstl, Associate Partner | E-Mobility Industrialization, P3 automotive GmbH
Patrick Schaufuss, Partner, McKinsey & Company
Patrick Peter, Director, Resources & Circular Economy, adelphi 
Markus Volkening, Manager, FEV Consulting
Achieving Regulatory Compliance: Understand the complexities of regulatory compliance in the battery recycling industry; learn best practices for navigating and adhering to regulatory requirements.
Leveraging Technological Advancements: Discover cutting-edge technologies that are addressing recycling challenges; learn how to implement these technologies to improve recycling outcomes.
Navigating Market Dynamics: Gain insights into the market dynamics influencing battery recycling; explore strategies to adapt to and thrive in the evolving market landscape.

Implementing Battery Passports For Efficient Recycling

Karolin Langfeldt,Director of Business Development, Circulor
Detailed information on the battery’s materials and components helps recyclers to develop more efficient and tailored recycling processes. Knowing the exact chemistry and configuration of a battery can streamline disassembly and material recovery. It enables the identification of valuable materials and their optimal extraction, improving the overall efficiency and profitability of the recycling process. 
Technical Challenges in Battery Passport Implementation
  • Data Standardization: The lack of standardized data formats and protocols across manufacturers and regions
  • Integration with Existing Systems: Challenges in integrating battery passport data with existing recycling and management systems
  • Ensuring Data Accuracy and Integrity: Maintaining accurate and up-to-date information throughout the battery lifecycle
Regulatory and Compliance Obstacles
  • Varied Regulatory Requirements: Navigating different regulatory frameworks across regions and ensuring compliance
  • Legal Barriers: Intellectual property concerns and data privacy issues related to sharing detailed battery information
  • Harmonization Efforts: The need for coordinated efforts to harmonize regulations and standards at the international level
Operational and Logistical Hurdles
  • Scalability: Scaling battery passport systems to accommodate the growing number of EV batteries entering the market
  • Cost Implications: The financial burden of implementing and maintaining battery passport systems for manufacturers and recyclers
  • Training and Adoption: Ensuring that stakeholders across the value chain are trained and willing to adopt new systems and practices
Data Security and Privacy Concerns
  • Protecting Sensitive Information: Ensuring the security of proprietary and sensitive data in the battery passport
  • Blockchain and Encryption: Exploring the use of blockchain and encryption technologies to safeguard data integrity and privacy
  • Trust and Transparency: Building trust among stakeholders through transparent and secure data management practices
  • Case study: Implementing secure data management practices in a battery passport project
Innovation and Technology Integration
  • Leveraging Advanced Technologies: Utilizing AI, IoT, and advanced analytics to enhance the functionality of battery passports
  • Real-Time Data Collection and Monitoring: Implementing IoT devices for continuous monitoring and real-time data updates
  • Future Directions: Emerging technologies and their potential impact on battery passport systems

Overcoming Industrial Challenges In Debonding Electric Vehicle Batteries

This session will provide a comprehensive overview of the technical, safety, economic, environmental, regulatory, and scalability challenges, along with innovative solutions and best practices.
  • Importance of Addressing Debonding Challenges for Sustainability and Efficiency
  • Complex Bonding Techniques: Strategies for reversing advanced bonding methods
  • Material Composition: Handling diverse materials within batteries
  • Precision and Control: Techniques for achieving precise control over the debonding process
  • Understand the complexities of material recovery and the advanced techniques required
  • Explore solutions to handle varied materials and complex bonding techniques
  • Evaluate the economic aspects of debonding technologies and their cost-effectiveness
  • Scalability: Developing scalable debonding processes for large volumes of batteries
  • Integration with Existing Infrastructure: Adapting new technologies into existing facilities
  • Gain diverse perspectives and insights to address the multifaceted challenges of debonding

Closing The European Loop in Battery Production With Secondary Raw Materials

Benjamin Bauer, Development Engineer, Fortum Batterie Recycling GmbH
Creating a sustainable and circular economy in Europe for battery production by using recycled materials. Instead of relying solely on newly mined raw materials, the goal is to use materials recovered from used batteries and other sources (secondary sources). This approach aims to reduce environmental impact, enhance resource efficiency, and ensure a more sustainable supply chain for battery manufacturing in Europe.
Industrial Scale Production of Secondary Nickel, Cobalt, Manganese, Lithium, and Other Materials: Explore the methodologies and technologies that enable the large-scale production of secondary raw materials such as Nickel, Cobalt, Manganese, and Lithium from recycled batteries. Understand the economic and environmental benefits of industrial-scale recycling and how it contributes to the sustainability of the supply chain.
Closing the Loop and Adding Value in the Production Process: Learn strategies to create a closed-loop system in battery production, ensuring that materials are continuously recycled and reused. Discuss ways to enhance the value chain by integrating recycling processes into the production life-cycle, thereby reducing waste and improving resource efficiency.
Service Offers for Waste Handling by Battery Producers, Manufacturers, and Waste Management Companies: Examine the range of services available to battery producers, manufacturers, and waste management companies for efficient waste handling. This includes collection, transportation, recycling, and disposal services that comply with environmental regulations and support sustainable practices.
Challenges in Battery Recycling Processes: Identify and analyze the key challenges faced in the battery recycling industry, including technical, economic, and regulatory obstacles. Discuss potential solutions and innovations that can address these challenges, improving the efficiency and effectiveness of recycling processes and contributing to a more sustainable future.

Powering The Future: Navigating The New EU Battery Regulation 2023/1542

Kai Kramer, Managing Director of EARN Elektroaltgeräte Service GmbH & representative of European Recycling Industries Confederation (EuRIC) and Electrocycling GmbH
EU Regulation 2023/1542 introduces a comprehensive legislative framework for managing the life-cycle of batteries within the European Union. Replacing the previous Battery Directive 2006/66/EC, this regulation aims to enhance the sustainability, safety, and efficiency of batteries, with particular emphasis on waste management obligations for EV battery producers. This session will provide a practical overview of the new obligations for manufacturers and distributors, highlighting compliance steps and end-of-life treatment requirements for waste batteries.
Understand the New Regulatory Framework:
  • Gain a comprehensive understanding of EU Regulation 2023/1542 and its implications for battery life-cycle management
  • Learn about the phased implementation of provisions and the timeline for compliance
Explore Waste Battery Compliance Steps:
  • Review the practical steps for manufacturers and distributors to comply with waste battery management obligations
  • Understand end-of-life treatment requirements and the importance of proper disposal and recycling
Examine Producer and Distributor Obligations:
  • Understand the registration and extended producer responsibility (EPR) requirements for battery producers
  • Learn about the obligations of distributors in the collection and management of waste batteries
Achieve Recycling and Recovery Targets:
  • Explore the targets for recycling efficiency and material recovery under the new regulation
  • Learn best practices for meeting these targets and enhancing sustainability
Navigate Shipment and Reporting Requirements:
  • Understand the regulations for the shipment of waste batteries and the necessary documentation
  • Learn about the minimum reporting requirements to competent authorities and how to ensure compliance
Prepare for Future Compliance Demands:
  • Look ahead to additional compliance requirements post-2025, including environmental and sustainability aspects, material content, battery performance, labeling, communication, and supply chain tracking
  • Understand the provisions for refurbished batteries and the impact on EV battery producers


Decoding Cell Chemistry: Navigating LFP Vs. NMC And Beyond, Ensuring Market Independence And Overcoming Core Material Challenges (Lithium Iron Phosphate Vs. Nickel Manganese Cobalt)

Moderator: Arnd Böhler, Manager Center of Competence (CoC) Recycling / Recycling for eComponents, Daimler Truck AG
Panelists: Sarah Fleischer, CEO and Co-Founder, tozero GmbH
The panel will delve into the intricacies of battery recycling, focusing on the comparative analysis of Lithium Iron Phosphate (LFP) and Nickel Manganese Cobalt (NMC) chemistries, as well as other emerging variants. The discussion will emphasize strategies for achieving market independence by reducing reliance on Chinese markets for critical materials. Additionally, the session will explore the recycling challenges associated with core materials like graphite, addressing concerns and seeking innovative solutions to ensure stability and sustainability in the EV battery supply chain.
  • Comparative Analysis of Cell Chemistries: Explore the differences between Lithium Iron Phosphate (LFP) and Nickel Manganese Cobalt (NMC) chemistries, along with emerging variants, and their implications for EV battery recycling.
  • Strategies for Market Independence: Discuss strategies to reduce reliance on Chinese markets for critical materials in EV battery production and recycling, aiming for greater market independence and sustainability.
  • Addressing Challenges in Core Materials: Identify challenges related to core materials like graphite in the EV battery supply chain and seek solutions to ensure stability and sustainability in recycling processes.

Networking Lunch Break


The Future Of EV Battery Recycling Practices: Digitalisation, AI And Automation

Dr. Arthur Schmid, Chief Product Officer – Battery Solutions – Adaptive Recycling, Siemens AG
In this presentation, we explore the transformative impact of digitalization, artificial intelligence (AI), and automation on recycling practices, particularly within the electric vehicle (EV) industry. Attendees will gain insights into how these technologies are revolutionizing the way recycling is approached, improving efficiency, and driving sustainability. By leveraging cutting-edge advancements, stakeholders in EV manufacturing, battery production, and recycling can enhance their operations, reduce environmental footprints, and stay ahead in a rapidly evolving market.
Understanding Technological Integration:
  • Learn how digitalization, AI, and automation are being integrated into recycling processes to improve efficiency and accuracy
  • Discover the specific technologies and tools that are driving these advancements in the EV sector
Enhancing Sustainability and Efficiency:
  • Explore how these technologies contribute to more sustainable recycling practices, minimizing waste and optimizing resource recovery
  • Analyze case studies demonstrating significant improvements in recycling outcomes through technological innovation
Future Trends and Innovations:
  • Gain insights into emerging trends and future developments in recycling technology that will shape the EV industry’s sustainability efforts
  • Prepare for upcoming changes and opportunities by understanding the trajectory of digital and automated recycling solutions

Maximizing Output, Minimizing Waste: Approaches To Effective Black Mass Chemical Treatment

An in-depth exploration of effective chemical treatment methods for black mass in battery recycling operations. Focus on maximizing output and minimizing waste through innovative approaches to black mass treatment. Attendees will gain insights into the challenges and opportunities associated with chemical treatment techniques, including material recovery, process optimization, and environmental considerations. 
  • Effective Chemical Treatment Methods for Black Mass: Explore innovative approaches to chemical treatment for black mass in battery recycling operations.
  • Maximizing Output and Minimizing Waste: Understand strategies to maximize output and minimize waste through effective black mass treatment techniques.
  • Actionable Strategies for Efficiency and Sustainability: Gain insights into actionable strategies for enhancing the efficiency and sustainability of black mass treatment processes, driving positive environmental impact and economic growth in battery recycling operations.


The Next Frontier In Sustainability:
EV Battery Recycling Start-ups Share Their Journey

Sarah Fleischer, CEO and Co-Founder, tozero GmbH
Julius Müller, Strategy Lead, Circu Li-ion S.A.
Alexander Vorndran, Vice President Operations, Voltfang GmbH
The panel assembles pioneering EV battery recycling start-ups to discuss their experiences, challenges, and innovations. The conversation will focus on overcoming technological, regulatory, and market hurdles, as well as exploring the future of sustainable battery recycling. Attendees will gain insights into the transformative potential of these start-ups in creating a circular economy for EV batteries.
Understanding Technological Innovations in Battery Recycling
  • Explore the latest technologies being developed by start-ups to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of EV battery recycling
  • Learn about the processes used to extract valuable materials like lithium, cobalt, and nickel from spent batteries
  • Discuss the role of automation and AI in optimizing the recycling process
Navigating Regulatory and Market Challenges
  • Identify the regulatory barriers that start-ups face in the EV battery recycling industry and strategies to overcome them
  • Examine the market dynamics that impact the growth and scalability of battery recycling start-ups
  • Understand the importance of policy support and international collaboration in fostering a sustainable recycling ecosystem
Building Strategic Partnerships for Sustainable Growth
  • Discover how start-ups are forming alliances with electronic manufacturers and waste management firms to enhance their recycling operations
  • Learn about successful case studies where partnerships have driven significant advancements in battery recycling
  • Discuss the potential for cross-industry collaboration to develop a robust circular economy for EV batteries.

Critical Material Recovery From Any Lithium-Ion Battery: Safe, Submerged Shredding And Hydrometallurgical Processing For Battery Recycling

Li-Cycle speaker (TBC)
This session will explore the advanced Spoke & Hub Technologies™ developed for the safe, efficient, and sustainable recycling of lithium-ion batteries. The focus will be on submerged shredding of batteries and manufacturing scrap, followed by hydrometallurgical processing to recover critical battery materials. Attendees will learn about the innovative technologies, environmental benefits, and the strategic importance of establishing a local supply chain for recycled battery materials.
  • Overview of the Spoke and Hub system for lithium-ion battery recycling
  • Importance of creating a sustainable and economic recycling solution
  • Description of the ‘Generation 3’ Spoke technology
  • Safe shredding of full EV battery packs without discharging or dismantling
  • Environmental advantages: minimal solid and liquid waste, zero combustion, zero wastewater discharge, and low air emissions
  • Key features and benefits of the submerged shredding technology
  • Explanation of the Hub process for processing black mass
  • Production of high-quality end products for reuse in lithium-ion battery production or other applications
  • Creating a secondary local supply of critical battery materials
  • Contribution to meeting the growing demand for battery materials and reducing reliance on raw material extraction
  • Unique aspects of the Spoke & Hub Technologies™ that set it apart from other recycling solutions
  • Innovations in the recycling process and their impact on efficiency and sustainability

Repurposing Strategies For End-Of-Life EV Batteries

Sebastian Bujnoch, Senior Business Development Manager, Circunomics
Circunomics is a German start-up focused on creating a circular economy for (EV) batteries. They have developed an innovative platform that combines data analytics and a marketplace to facilitate the reuse and recycling of EV batteries.
  • Establishing a comprehensive Battery Lifecycle Management Solution
  • Creating Europe’s largest B2B marketplace for battery trade 
  • Combining the B2B marketplace with advanced, AI powered analytics
  • Closing the loop – from the shredder to raw material extraction

Networking Break


Revolutionizing EV Battery Recycling:
The Power Of OEM Collaborations

Umit Batmaz , EV Battery Quality Program Manager – Renault Group
This presentation will spotlight how groundbreaking collaborations between OEMs and EV Battery Recyclers can revolutionize battery recycling methods for electric vehicle (EV) batteries. 
By focusing on direct recycling processes, the discussion will delve into the potential for reducing costs, minimizing waste, and enhancing domestic material supply chains.
  • Understanding the significance of direct recycling in reducing manufacturing costs and waste associated with traditional battery recycling methods
  • Exploring the implications of the recent high-profile collaborations on the scalability and commercial viability of innovative battery recycling processes
  • Assessing the potential environmental and economic benefits of adopting advanced recycling techniques for EV and battery manufacturers

Industrial-Scale Battery Recycling Enabled By Laser Technology

This session will explore the transformative impact of laser technology on the recycling of ev batteries. Attendees will learn how efficient laser processes enable the industrial-scale recycling of valuable raw materials, helping battery manufacturers meet EU recycling quotas and achieve sustainability goals
  • Key features and capabilities of the laser technology
  • Current challenges: expensive raw material extraction, long supply chains, and laborious manual recycling processes
  • Safety concerns and inefficiencies in traditional battery dismantling methods
  • The emerging market for laser processes in battery recycling
  • Detailed explanation of the laser cutting process for used batteries
  • How lasers safely remove valuable raw materials from battery foils
  • The role of laser technology in automated dismantling of battery packs
  • Efficient removal of cobalt, lithium, and nickel using lasers
  • Comparing traditional methods versus laser technology in recycling efficiency and safety
  • Upcoming developments in laser technology for battery recycling
  • Innovations on the horizon: Potential advancements in laser processes for battery recycling and applications

Key Challenges And Future Opportunities For Using Pyrometallurgy In (EV) Battery Recycling

This session aims to provide an in-depth analysis of pyrometallurgical recycling for electric vehicle (EV) batteries, focusing on the current challenges and future opportunities. By exploring the economic, technological, and regulatory landscapes, attendees will gain a comprehensive understanding of how to optimize recycling processes and align them with sustainability goals. 
Understand the Economic Viability of Pyrometallurgical Recycling:
  • Analyze how different battery cell chemistries impact the profitability of pyrometallurgical recycling
  • Evaluate the major cost drivers, including energy, material, and personnel costs
  • Discuss the current market conditions and their influence on recycling economics
Identify and Mitigate Key Challenges:
  • Examine the technical and operational challenges associated with pyrometallurgical recycling processes
  • Assess the environmental and regulatory issues, particularly CO2 emissions and compliance with environmental standards
  • Explore the technological and market uncertainties affecting the recycling landscape
Explore Technological Advancements and Process Optimization:
  • Investigate recent advancements in pyrometallurgical techniques and pre-treatment processes
  • Understand the role of automation in reducing operational costs and improving efficiency
  • Highlight innovative technologies for improving material recovery rates, particularly for valuable metals like lithium
Future Opportunities
  • Enhance material recovery rates and reduce energy consumption through improved pyrometallurgical techniques and advancements in pre-treatment steps
  • Develop cost-effective methods for recovering lithium from slag to enhance the value proposition of pyrometallurgical recycling

Overcoming Challenges In Hydrometallurgical Recycling Of Battery Materials

Sebastian Hippmann, Postdoc, working group “Recycling & Green Battery”, Fraunhofer IKTS
This session will explore the complex challenges associated with the hydrometallurgical recycling process for battery materials, focusing on the extraction and purification of valuable metals from black mass. Attendees will gain insights into the technical, environmental, and economic obstacles and learn about innovative solutions and best practices to enhance the efficiency and sustainability of battery recycling.
Challenges in Processing Complex Feedstock: 
  • Managing the variety of materials in batteries
  • Techniques for effective initial separation and dealing with impurities
Chemical Handling and Safety Concerns
  • Best practices for handling corrosive chemicals and ensuring worker safety
  • Strategies for managing hazardous by-products and preventing environmental contamination
Efficiency and Selectivity in Metal Extraction
  • Methods for treating and disposing of solid and liquid waste
  • Approaches to optimize energy consumption and reduce the carbon footprint
Economic Viability of the Recycling Process
  • Cost analysis of reagents and chemicals used in the process
  • Impact of fluctuating market prices for recovered metals on profitability
Technological Challenges and Innovations
  • Continuous process optimization to enhance efficiency and yield
  • Scaling up from laboratory to industrial-scale operations
Regulatory and Compliance Issues
  • Navigating environmental regulations and standards for recycling
  • Ensuring recovered materials meet industry quality standards

Optimizing Battery Disassembly For Recycling

Varnika Agarwal, Battery Research Analyst, Rho Motion
This technical conference session will explore advanced strategies and methodologies for optimizing the disassembly of batteries to enhance recycling outcomes. With a focus on the evaluation of the return on investment (ROI) impact of various chemistries and formulations, this session will provide in-depth insights into the disassembly process and its implications for the recycling industry. 
Introduction to Battery Disassembly for Recycling
  • Overview of the importance of efficient battery disassembly in the recycling process
  • Current challenges and opportunities in battery disassembly
  • Objectives of optimizing disassembly for improved recycling outcomes
Evaluating the ROI Impact of Varied Chemistries and Formulations
  • Analysis of different battery chemistries (e.g., LFP, NMC, LCO, etc.) and their implications for disassembly and recycling
  • Economic considerations in disassembly processes for different chemistries
  • Methods to quantify the ROI impact of varied battery formulations in recycling
  • Case study: Cost-benefit analysis of disassembling LFP vs. NMC batteries for recycling
Advanced Techniques in Battery Disassembly
  • Technological advancements in automated and manual disassembly processes
  • Tools and machinery designed for efficient battery disassembly
  • Safety protocols and risk management in battery disassembly operations
Simulation-Based Approaches to Optimizing Disassembly
  • Introduction to simulation tools and software used in battery disassembly
  • Designing simulations tailored to specific recycling outcomes
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of different disassembly strategies through simulation

Addressing Waste Management Challenges In Electric Vehicle Battery Recycling

Philipp Brunotte, Co-Founder, LiBCycle GmbH
A focus on the critical issue of waste management in the recycling of (EV) batteries. As the adoption of EVs continues to rise, managing the waste generated from battery recycling processes becomes increasingly vital. The session will delve into the key concerns and challenges faced by recyclers, exploring strategies to mitigate these issues effectively. 
Key Concerns in Waste Management
  • Overview of the growing importance of effective waste management in EV battery recycling
  • The environmental and economic implications of poor waste management practices
  • Identification and categorization of waste types generated during the recycling of EV batteries (e.g., hazardous waste, electronic waste, residual materials)
  • Environmental impacts of improper waste disposal
  • Health and safety concerns associated with handling and processing battery waste
Challenges in EV Battery Waste Management
  • Technical challenges in segregating and processing different waste streams
  • Economic barriers to implementing comprehensive waste management systems
  • Regulatory challenges and compliance requirements
Best Practices for Waste Management
  • Strategies for effective waste segregation and material recovery
  • Implementation of advanced recycling technologies to minimize waste
  • Developing and following standardized protocols for waste handling and disposal
  • Training and safety measures for personnel involved in waste management
Innovative Solutions and Technologies
  • Introduction to emerging technologies in waste processing and recycling
  • Role of artificial intelligence and automation in improving waste management
  • Innovative approaches to repurposing and reusing battery waste materials
Regulatory Considerations and Compliance
  • Overview of key regulations governing waste management in EV battery recycling
  • Best practices for ensuring compliance with local, national, and international regulations
  • Collaborating with regulatory bodies to develop sustainable waste management policies

Policy, Regulatory, And Permitting Challenges

Dr. Tom Vöge, Director Public Policy, GRS Service
The regulatory framework for EV battery recycling varies significantly across European countries, leading to complexity and confusion for recyclers operating in multiple jurisdictions.European regulations impose strict environmental standards on the recycling process to minimize ecological impact. Meeting these stringent requirements often requires significant investment in advanced recycling technologies and processes. Obtaining the necessary permits for recycling facilities can be a lengthy and bureaucratic process.
  • Key challenges faced by recyclers in navigating regulations and permits
  • Understanding the differences in national regulations across Europe
  • Strategies for managing regulatory complexity and ensuring compliance in multiple jurisdictions
  • Best practices for complying with environmental standards in the recycling process
  • Tips for efficiently obtaining permits for recycling facilities
  • Identifying common pitfalls and how to avoid them
  • Strategies for long-term planning amidst regulatory uncertainty
  • Cost-effective approaches to regulatory compliance
  • Leveraging technology and innovation to reduce compliance costs
  • Complying with trade and export regulations for recycled materials
  • Strategies for expanding market reach while adhering to regulatory requirements
Navigating Regulatory Costs
  • Strategies for minimizing the financial impact of regulatory compliance
  • Identifying funding and incentives available to support compliance efforts
  • Collaborating with regulatory bodies to streamline compliance processes

Maximizing Cost Efficiency And Profit Margins In EV Battery Recycling

This session will focus on the paramount challenge of cost management and profit maximization in the EV battery recycling industry. As recyclers strive to maintain economic viability, understanding how to optimize operational costs and improve profit margins is crucial. This session will delve into cost-reduction strategies, innovative technologies, and business models that enhance profitability. 
Introduction to Cost Challenges in EV Battery Recycling
  • Overview of the financial landscape in EV battery recycling
  • Key cost factors impacting recyclers and their profit margins
Identifying Major Cost Drivers
  • Analysis of the primary cost drivers in the recycling process, including material handling, labor, technology, and regulatory compliance
  • Strategies for managing and reducing these costs
Innovative Cost-Reduction Strategies
  • Leveraging automation and advanced technologies to streamline operations and reduce labor costs
  • Implementing efficient material recovery processes to maximize the value extracted from recycled batteries
Optimizing Operational Efficiency
  • Best practices for improving operational efficiency and reducing waste
  • Techniques for optimizing supply chain management to lower costs
  • Using data analytics to identify inefficiencies and drive continuous improvement
Exploring Profitable Business Models
  • Innovative business models that enhance profitability in battery recycling
  • Opportunities for value-added services, such as refurbishing and second-life applications for EV batteries
Maximizing Revenue Streams
  • Diversifying revenue streams through the sale of recovered materials and by-products
  • Exploring partnerships and collaborations to expand market reach and increase sales
  • Case study: Revenue generation through innovative market strategies
Financial Planning and Risk Management
  • Developing robust financial plans to manage costs and ensure profitability
  • Identifying and mitigating financial risks in the recycling business
  • Utilizing financial tools and software for better budgeting and cost control

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